8 Jan 2011

Trik Bungkam USER di room

 Trik Bungkam USER di room merupakan sebuah trik dimana kita (bukan penjaga room) bisa membuat orang di room (participant/admin/owner) tidak berkutik. trik ini pada dasarnya adalah membuat sang korban seolah-olah telah melakukan aktifitas kerum (pesan, iq, presence, dll)  lebih dari 14x
ok langsung aja ikutin langkah-langkah berikut :
  • pertama, kalian mesti ol 2 jid atau lebih
  • Masukan semua jid tadi ke room
  • kemudian siapkan sebuah script CEK VERSI  (bukan BOM)
seperti ini scriptnya:

<iq to="NAMA_ROOM@conference.nimbuzz.com/NICK_TARGET"  type="get" id="getver">
<query xmlns="jabber:iq:version" />

  • Kalau semua sudah ok langsung saja hajar jid target dengan mengirim cek versi 14x tiap beberapa detik/menit (kalau kalian menggunakan 2 jid artinya tiap jid harus mengirim 7 script cek versi)

ok sekian dulu postingan dari saya...................

owh iya untuk app nimbuzz symbian anti BOM n Bombusmod BOM Waktu di tunggu dulu aja y :D

Salam FMT \m/

Nimbuzz Flooder Community (Flooder Manual Team)

Comments :

14 komentar to “Trik Bungkam USER di room”

arbeenesia_oi mengatakan...

Salam Oi !
Salam kenal !
Waw,amazing fmt..kyknya gw jatuh cinta ne ma fmt,gkgkgk. Trik2nya always fresh kyk buah tomat di kulkas...
Maju terus FLOODER MANUAL TEAM *bravo*

Saddam Jahidin mengatakan...

:D wkwwkkk

bgi donk tomatnya bee..........

tq dah mampir......

jngn bungkam w y klo ktmu drum

prapatan__rebel mengatakan...

haha mantap... tQ infona bos :D

wong nggunung mengatakan...

w pake kuq kagak bz yaak si target tetep aja crewet d rum

wong nggunung mengatakan...

mohon pecerahnnya bos

Saddam Jahidin mengatakan...

wong nggunung: :D ol brp jid drum???

klo msh ngomong tandax kurang bnyk tuh copas script :D

wong nggunung mengatakan...

ol 2 jid boz masing2 jid 7x copas...

wong nggunung mengatakan...

pa masih kurang jg bos.....?

Saddam Jahidin mengatakan...

klo msh ngomong brrti kurang.................

itu nembakx mesti tiap selang bbrp detik..........

buat teknis lngkap wktux add jid : frank_castle@nimbuzz.com aja

Anonim mengatakan...

hahah cma kebutulan aja x kmrn lu bsa pein.kirain trik lu rupax nyontek jga..wkwkwkwk

u9! mengatakan...


jhon kabul mengatakan...

The network connection errors or connectivity issues can’t be resolved by the users because of the less technical knowledge about Blockchain. To handle all the network issues, you must seek advice from someone who is not only experienced in this domain but also have vast knowledge about Blockchain. Dial Blockchain support number and avail all kind of solutions related to the errors that create hindrance in Blockchain Support NUmber your work. The customer care will deliver end to end assistance and even latest techniques and hacks that can help in erasing your issue in no time.

kally jhon mengatakan...

The network connection errors or connectivity issues can’t be resolved by the users because of the less technical knowledge about Gemini. To handle all the network issues, you must seek advice from someone who is not only experienced in this domain but also have vast knowledge about Gemini. Dial Gemini support number and avail all kind of solutions related to the errors that create hindrance in your work. The customer care will deliver end to end assistance and even latest techniques and hacks that can help in erasing your issue in no time.

kally martin mengatakan...

Have you ever got trapped in login issues in Binance? Login issues are quite sensitive and can damage the account on a bigger extent at login time. If you want to have a variety of solutions and strategies to eliminate this Binance Support Number error from the roots, you need to dial Binance customer support number which is working every hour so that users can contact customer care team at any time whenever they are in need. Feel free to get in touch with them to get rid of the issues.

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